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Platform Overview

Your platform consists of the following features:




This is also referred to as the Store, or Storefront.

For the discovery and browsing of data products (ability to view descriptions, assets, metadata, preview and license terms for each data product).


To establish or receive access entitlement to data products as defined in the subscription terms attached to the data product.


For the creation of data products to be displayed in the store. Products usually contain one or more assets, packaging information and subscriptions that are needed to access them.


For the creation of assets that can be either be packaged as part of products or shared and consumed individually in Spaces and Export. Assets can currently be of either Table or File type.


For the secure, collaborative access to the data products and assets (data products/assets can be accessed via the provision of cloud compute resources and a collection of tools including Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, HUE and Jupyter Notebooks).

Virtual Desktop

For secure access to user defined Spaces.


For the export of data products or assets to user defined connectors or desktop (subject to permissions, choose the target, format, schedule and mechanism for export to either a desktop or cloud location.

Code Assets

Enabling the packaging of code which can be automated via task definition and scheduled execution to create and update assets.

Users are invited to join the platform and are enabled to use selected features based on the allocation of specific roles.

A user can be part of a group known as an Organization and an Organization can be assigned a Type which determines which other Organizations can interact with each other.

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