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5.7 Improved Export filtering and Query Products

  • (All) Export improvements. We have added a number of additional options that allow users to customize and filter the data in their exports:  

    • Select a subset of assets from a product to export 

    • Column filtering on exported assets 

    • Row filtering on exported assets


  • (All platforms) Export improvements. We have added a number of additional options that allow users to customize and filter the data in their exports:  

    • Select a subset of assets from a product to export 

    • Column filtering on exported assets 

    • Row filtering on exported assets



  • (AWS Only) Subscription Plan Templates

    • We have slightly updated the creation form by adding Query as a usage permissions controlled by subscriptions in addition to Spaces and Export 

  • (AWS Only) Query Products

    • Subscription plan templates now have Query usage permissions enabled. Once user subscribes to a product they will be able to Query all assets within the product using the new Query fe

Fixed bugs

  1. REF 20915: Export to BigQuery fails due to invalid characters in the Asset/Product name.

  2. REF 21018 Sample data is not loaded for BigQuery assets if there is DATE or TIMESTAMP columns in source

  3. REF 20843: BigQuery Connector: Access Checks require high level, broad permissions within a GCP Project. Minimum permissions set required needs to be more granular.

  4. REF 20355: When there is a tasks failure caused by ‘JSONDecodeError: Unterminated string’, cannot download Task log 

  5. REF 20157: V5 Export was using the data bucket for the export cache location, it has been fixed to use the system bucket instead

  6. REF 20957: Unable to Execute Tasks Running Python Code

Release Start Date: 3rd June 2024

 It might take a few days before the release is available in your platform(s).

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