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5.6 Export notifications and updated Query experience




  • (ALL) Export

    • Export notifications for export success and failure, with additional notification settings available on each export

    • A warning during export to desktop to not download large assets

  • (ALL) Spaces improvements 

    • Trino Upgrade

    • Users able to use UDFs via PySpark


  • (AWS Only) Query 

    • Save and reuse queries, view ‘My Queries’ list 

    • Redesigned Query experience

Fixed bugs

  1. REF 20772: BigQuery at-source assets not loading after Trino 443 upgrade

  2. REF 20743: Cannot add links to other products in the exchange within data product description

  3. REF 20737: Space containing only on platform assets causes cluster load and data proxy to fail

  4. REF 20660: SQL Labs is displaying hidden schemas with Trino 443 when user is selecting databases in Spaces

  5. REF 20586: Node workers and master node don’t have the same version of python, this is causing failures. Update both to version 3.10

  6. REF 20171: Cannot reference files in the Jupyter home area on GCP spaces due to path structure of data location

  7. REF 20109: Code asset summary and saved code is truncated when saved as text type in the database

  8. REF 19672: Related products are timing out

  9. REF 19593: Migrated products with similar table names give incorrect asset table sizes

Release Start Date: 7th May 2024

 It might take a few days before the release is available in your platform(s).

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