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5.1 Maintenance release


  • Space specifications can now be controlled at the organization or user level

  • Updated explanation for ‘on platform / at source’ asset options

  • Asset creation form has been reordered and starts with asset type selection (file/table) 

  • Asset updates tab is not shown anymore for assets created from a space, task or upload sources

  • ‘Location’ is shown when viewing finish asset setup page or key information tab. Location can be either ‘On Platform’ or ‘At Source’ 

  • Related products are now enabled again and shown in a product page 

  • For products that have been upgraded from 4.x and had no repeating updates, updates option will be disabled when viewing assets that are part of the product 

  • Ecosystem admins viewing the manage products view will have the organization filter preset to their own org

  • File based asset file mounts

  • Space startup time improvements

Bug Fixes

  1. Eco admin cannot invite users to a new org when their org is non-interacting

  2. Product Admin - Option to Manage Subscription present but doesn't have permissions to expire

  3. Subscription expiry performed by ecosystem admin fails when attempting to expire a subscription for a product not owned by their own organisation 

Release Start Date: 2nd November 2023

 It might take a few days before the release is available in your platform(s).

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