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4.9 Enabling Snowflake Assets, Faster Queries and an Operators Portal

What’s New

Evaluating Snowflake Assets in Spaces

If you would like to use this feature and you do not see the Assets icon and the associated Data Assets tab then please contact Support as you must have the Asset Administrator or Asset Creator User Roles

After all the prep work we have been doing, we would now like to give you a warm Welcome to Data Assets (see Getting Started).

Data Assets are our vision for the future and you can create and share them with others directly or you can package a single Data Asset into multiple different data products.

Our first step on this journey is to allow you to create a Data Asset based on data objects held in a Snowflake instance where the objects remain remote, in Snowflake, and are not copied into the platform.

You can Create a Snowflake Data Asset and add to an Evaluation Space to compliment your analysis of other data assets within a Space.

The introduction of Data Assets starts to appear throughout the platform in the following articles:

Understanding Spaces

Specify the Data, People, Tools and Compute you Need

Manage your Endpoints

Execute Faster Queries with Trino

With this release Spaces have been upgraded to incorporate Trino as an additional and complimentary query engine to Hive and Spark within the environments.

Trino is an open source distributed query engine that is highly optimised for query performance across multiple data sources and is visible when you Activate your Tools and Compute. For Spaces this means :

  • 💥 💥 ~10x performance increase for Data Product queries compared to HIVE 💥 💥

  • Provides secured connection to Snowflake to execute queries against Assets that have been added to a Space

For guidance on using Trino within Spaces see Using SQL in a Space , Using Python in a Space and Combine Data Assets and Data Products in a Space .

Note : At the current time Trino can only be leveraged within Python based Automated Tasks. Support for SQL based Automated Tasks will be provided in up-coming releases.

Operators Portal

If you are part of the platform owners team then you will be invited to join the Operators Documentation Portal which is behind a secure login. We think we’ve got everyone but if we missed you and you would like access then please submit a request via the Support link on the header of this portal.

You may need to arrange for access to this portal, via Azure single sign on, to be authorised by your IT Administrator.

Bug Fixes

  1. Performance improvements have been made to the Products page where there is a need to load over 150 publishers and 650+ published Data Products.

Release Start Date: 11JAN23

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