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4.13 Maintenance Release

What’s New

Whilst we are building up our next major platform release we have some general platform improvements to share with you


  1. A security issue preventing large Snowflake assets being queryable in spaces has been resolved.

  2. Users can now create code assets written using trino-sql and create a Task using these trino-sql based CAs

  3. Users can now create code assets from Superset Lab

Bug Fixes

  1. Improved error handling for R and Python Automated Tasks. Previously, in some instances they could fail silently

  2. Product icon is now visible in the dropdown when adding products to a Space

  3. Fixed an intermittent JupyterLab 'directory not found error' issue

Release Start Date: 29 June 2023

 It might take a few days before the release is available in your platform(s).

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